
1. Copy your code into the editor

Either copy your code or enter it directly into the editor. You can use standard editor commands including shift + tab for auto formatting.

2. Select the language to use

Use the language syntax dropdown to select the desired language. You can also type directly into the dropdown quickly located the desired language.

3. Determine if the code can be removed

By allowing recipents to remove the code when received, you can ensure sensitive information such as proprietary code does not linger for too long.

Recipients will see a remove button, allowing them to remove the code when finished.

4. Password protect if needed

Your code share can be password protected to keep the content private. Click the lock next to the share to turn on encryption.

Encryption will be applied when the share button is clicked.

5. Share the code

Once you have everything how you want it, click the share button. You will then be presented with the share dialog and the URL to your shared content. Use presented URL share your content with the world, a select few or just one individual.

Note: You can also use the Ctrl + S or Command + S keyboard shortcut to share.